This is an upcoming untitled psychological thriller film Diected by A.L. Vijay. Starring Kangana Ranaut and R. Madhavan. The film is produced by Trident Arts & Ahimsa Entertainment..
In a thrilling cinematic reunion, Kangana Ranaut and R Madhavan are set to enthral audiences with a pan-India psychological thriller. The film's production commenced in Chennai, and Kangana shared the exciting news on X, inviting support and blessings for this unique and mysterious script.
"Today in Chennai we started filming our new film, a psychological thriller. Other details coming soon. For now need all your support and blessings for this very unusual and exciting script," Kangana said on X
Directed by Vijay, the creative force behind 'Thalaivii,' the collaboration signifies Kangana's eagerness to work under his guidance once more. The psychological thriller, anticipated as a bilingual release in Hindi and Tamil, aims to captivate audiences globally with its intriguing storyline and stellar cast.
Adding to the allure, the film boasts music composed by the talented G.V. Prakash Kumar and cinematography by the celebrated Nirav Shah. The combination of these renowned talents is expected to deliver a visually striking and emotionally gripping cinematic experience.
Kangana expressed her excitement about reuniting with Vijay, stating, "Dear Vijay sir, after the incredible experience of Thalaivii, I'm happy to be basking in your glory again. I love to be part of your team and take your commands. Thank you, sir."